Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lemon Bars

You know what the best part is about baking? By the time the food is done, the kitchen is all clean. I love that. I hate having dishes sitting in the sink. However, the worst part about baking is the waiting. I'm a hoverer, the reason manufacturers install lights in ovens. Every couple minutes that switch is flipped and worried eyes peer in.
Is it doing anything? Is it doing too much? The recipe said to beat the filling till it was light and fluffy, what if wasn't fluffy enough?
Okay, so I'm a neurotic cook, at least I'll admit it. While cooking the spatula rarely leaves my hand and the oven light is never off. But at the same time, I do love it. I seem to thrive off the moderate panic that sets in any time a new recipe comes out. Its fun to put things in the oven and see what comes out. It is so cool and weird that something will go into this hot box and, without my intervention, turns into something tasty.
Right now I'm making lemon bars for dessert day in class tomorrow. It seemed like a good compromise since lemon meringue pie, one of my favorite desserts, does not travel well and the meringue weeps if you make it too far in advance. That good old Betty Crocker cookbook came out again (I swear I do have other cookbooks, too!) and the recipe seemed fairly do-able. My measuring technique, while fairly precise for a cook is a bit lax for a baker, but we can only hope the filling is forgiving. I've already made one mistake of melting the butter instead of softening it, so I put that in the freezer for awhile till it went to the right consistency. I'm still moderately worried about the "light and fluffy" part.
As I've been writing this, in an attempt to moderate my hovering, the lemon bars came out of the oven. The oven apparently runs super hot, which I've suspected for quite awhile, so they had to come out way early. Is is bad that the top is a pretty tan color? It won't matter too much since they'll get covered in a generous helping of powdered sugar, but its nerve wracking that people will be trying this tomorrow and who knows if it is right. I really like feeding people, however, I'd rather not poison them. But,hey, at least there was time to clean up the kitchen before it was done, at least that anxiety is out of the way.

Here's the recipe for Betty Crocker's lemon bars if you want to one-up me on actually following the directions:

1cup Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
1/2cup butter or margarine, softened
1/4cup powdered sugar
1cup granulated sugar
2teaspoons grated lemon peel, if desired
2tablespoons lemon juice
1/2teaspoon baking powder
1/4teaspoon salt

Powdered sugar
1.Heat oven to 350ºF.
2.Mix flour, butter and powdered sugar. Press in ungreased square pan, 8x8x2 or 9x9x2 inches, building up 1/2-inch edges.
3.Bake crust 20 minutes.
4.Beat granulated sugar, lemon peel, lemon juice, baking powder, salt and eggs with electric mixer on high speed about 3 minutes or until light and fluffy. Pour over hot crust.
5.Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until no indentation remains when touched lightly in center. Cool; dust with powdered sugar. Cut into about 1 1/2-inch squares.

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