Monday, May 11, 2009

Here are a couple links to things I find interesting:

First, this was sent to me by a friend, it is a different way of looking at food and will make you think when you watch food tv. I'm just as guilty, if not more guilty, as the next person of watching stations like the food network and it is rather interesting to see what they are doing when they are filming, whether they know it or not.

Next, this is a wonderful oven ratatouille from one of my favorite food blogs, Chocolate and Zucchini. I made this last night, with a couple changes, and it is so easy and tasty I can't imagine ever wanting to make ratatouille the slow, old fashioned way, one ingredient at a time. You have to have far more patience than I do to put up with that. This recipe really makes the house smell wonderful. It is well worth using the fresh herbs, it really enhances the flavor, but dried still works out okay. I have a ton of herbes de provence, a well intentioned, appreciated but rather overzealous gift, and love to have an excuse to use them.

1 comment:

  1. Torrie! Thanks for posting that ratatouille recipe. Must try sometime...
